点击▲三分设关注,和10万设计师一起成长三分设 x翻阅计划正文共:9941 字 5 图 预计阅读时间:25 分钟为什么科技公司想要吸引你的注意力And why tech companies want to get your attention你可能不知道什么是 "无限滚动"。但你肯定使用过它,因为在日常工作中,它无处不在。你在 Netflix 上看完一集,下一集马上就开始了。你看完一个 Tik Tok 视频,还没来得及退出,下一个就跳出来了。你在 Spotify 上听了一首歌,而下一首......现在你已经知道了。无限滚动在这里阻断了你任何一点有意识地思考是否还想浏览下一个内容的机会。你打开 Instagram,只是想看看你的朋友发了什么,天哪......半个小时已经过去了。或者你可能掉进了小猫视频的漩涡里,失去了一个小时甚至三个小时。You might not know what Infinite Scroll is. But you have certainly used it — in a daily basis — as it is everywhere. You finish an episode on Netflix, and the next one starts right away. You watch one Tik Tok video, and the next one pops out before you can quit it. You listen to one song on Spotify — and the next… you already know. Infinite Scroll is here to block any slight chance to consciously think about if you still want to consume any content. You opened up Instagram just to check what your friend posted — Oh god… half an hour is already gone — or maybe you’ve fallen down the rabbit hole of kitten videos and lost an hour — or three.在数字时代,社交媒体逐渐成为我们日常生活中越来越重要的一部分。已经彻底改变通信方式,以至于它现在是我们日常通信的首选媒介。社交媒体已经完全改变了我们的现代社会。从早期推出的 Messenger 或 Facebook 等数字服务,到其现代的继任者,在质量上已经有显著飞跃。数字服务的每一项功能得到了改善和提高,如连接性、速度、设计或实用性等等。然而,它们中的大多数还是让人们失望了。In today’s digital age, social media is an increasingly important part of our daily lives. It has revolutionized communications, to the extent that it is now our preferred medium of everyday communication. Social media has completely changed our modern societies. From the early launches of barely sketched digital services as Messenger or Facebook to their modern successors, there has been a significant leap in quality. The digital services have been improved and enhanced in every single feature one can imagine —connectivity, speed, design or utility among others. However, most of them have failed us — people.早期的改进主要是为了促进一个更好的社会,同时使技术民主化并提高我们的绩效。然而,在某些时候,这种以社会为中心的改进愿望变成了提高收入和用户参与度的愿望。从那时起,所有的应用程序和算法都试图通过实施一些特定的设计技术来吸引我们的注意力,以便从充满可能性的网络海洋中吸引我们的注意力。These early improvements were mostly led to contribute to a better society while democratizing technology and enhancing our performance. Yet, at some point, this wish for social-centered improvements turned into income and user-engagement boosting ones. Since then, all apps and algorithms are trying to get our attention by implementing some specific design techniques to retain our attention from a sea full of possibilities.无限滚动是有史以来最成功的设计技术之一。Infinite Scroll is one of the most successful ones — ever.从来没有少数技术设计师能够如此控制我们数十亿人的思维、行为和生活方式。—— Netflix的《The Social Dilemma》Never before have a handful of tech designers had such control over the way billions of us think, act, and live our lives. — The social dilemma in Netflix.